
Zeus vs. Odin | DEATH BATTLE!

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" The hard, ironlike voice of the King of Sparta echoed throughout the narrow cliffpass. He knew today was a day of war. A messenger had told him of the newest challenger, after he volunteered to battle the 'Ninja' and the 'Samurai'. He was the last defender of Sparta, but he had one last challenge.

According to the blue-haired and scantily-clad messenger, this was an event called 'Reveangeance'. He was to battle the Viking, as it was said there.

5 Spartan soldiers were allocated to him before he was forcibly transported to a battlefield of his choosing. Now, the time was nigh for war.

Leonidas closed his eyes, and opened them in awakening. He raised his spear, and let out the greatest battle-cry of his life. A deep, hardened voice of blood of iron echoed on the stone cliffs.

Suddenly, an equal - no, louder - battle cry erupted from the other side of the hill. Charging from the hardened dirt and clay road..


Quite obviously.

Leonidas motioned his troops back, and put his shield up - with his spear at the ready. As the warrior-men charged, screaming, the King stared at the troops, and yelled to the battle beginning.

War. War never changes.

That is, until the steel axe cut through his second in one blow.

of the weapons of the 'Vikings' were incredibly effective, cutting through in one blow. The leader, a 7 foot tall beast of a man, swung his hammer, carved with uncountable runes, and every soldier was thrown back, in one huge heap.

The man held the hammer high, and a bolt of lightning came down unto the hammer. Instead of flinching, the god of a man harnessed the hammer's energy, holding it forward, and swung it as fast as lightning. A bolt of blue and white light shot from the hammer, and everything went.. white.

It was divine.

It.. was everything he had ever imagined in a god. Awesome beyond reckoning, the being before him - and behind the Vikings - was clad in a white toga, and a golden scale breastplate. His white beard flowed with the winds, and his eyes gave the way to the soul;

Justice was due.

This being, this god, was known Zeus. Zeus was back, and he was pissed.

Zeus raised his right arm, and a bolt of sun-white lightning shot from Zeus's hands, and in one moment, a giant explosion rocked the battlefield. This was no little bolt of lightning; a bolt of raw Greecian vengeance. In one fell swoop, after the minute of blinding white light subsided, all there opened their eyes and gazed upon the sight in front of them.

The God of War was due.

With Wodan was mail and helm,
Clad in gold and arcane signs.
Gungnir in hand, he sees once,
And twice over with one eye.

The Norse God of War was displeased with Zeus. His finest warriors were destroyed, but in the way, so gone were the Spartan Hoplites. He knew they were safe, and their souls were in kept in the outer realms of Yggdrasil. Boundless wisdom afforded him knowledge from the depths of the universe. When he looked into his mind for answers to this upcoming battle, he saw nothing but his own fight. Any result was unclear, divided.

As the head of the One-Eyed God gazed with utmost power into the Greecian God, no words were exchanged. Both of them knew, from sheer context that would have destroyed any chance of alliance in their kingdoms. As men across the world gazed unto their might, the battle begun as Zeus and Odin raised their weapons.


Odin spoke. "Jag ser inget ont, jag känner ingen skada."

Zeus knew not what it meant, but it was for naught.
Zeus raised his hand up high, and white-blue elctricity flew together in his hand and extended until a bolt of lightning formed in his hand, crackling and sparking as if it was alive. Odin stood perfectly still, his mind working at a thousand times man's mind to uncover secrets.

As Odin raised his hand, the skies darkened to black as Zeus' eyes shone with power. Whipping his body foreward like a prime athlete, the bolt of lightning flew from Zeus' hand and in a split second, enveloped Odin's entire body. In another moment..

A truly enormous explosion shattered the cliffs that the two stood in, and a sphere of energy shook with sheer godly might...before exploding into a larger sphere. Dust flew everywhere at speeds easily enough to kill, and the raw heat could cook a forge god.

Smoke shot from the sphere, and within a minute, the white blinding energy subsided. Zeus had remained without motion, a grace to his fallen foe. When it all cleared, there was nothing left but a golden ring.

Zeus's eyes opened, and he walked over. The King of the Gods slid the ring on his finger, and smiled. A nice trophy. It was a good ring, forged from good material -

Zeus's thoughts shot back to combat as a godly hook slammed into the back of his head, and he was launched forward only to land in a mountain, which promptly shattered into a million pieces.

The God of Justice was not pleased. As he emerged from the mountain, he saw his foe. His golden mail was scorched and broken in places. His helmet was gone, and thanks to it his long,flowing beard was perfectly evident. More evident was the Viking broadsword in his hand, shield in his other.

Zeus made a mental note to make sure things are dead when he gets back to business.

Zeus raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning emerged. He twirled it, and got into a fighting pose in proper Xiphos style, and awaited the attack.

Odin charged, and at the last moment intercepted a horizontal slash of the Bolt, and struck dead in the center of Zeus's body with the broadsword. The point hung on Aegis, before a simple flex of Zeus's muscles shattered the sword.

Zeus swiped down onto the shield, and the white-hot blade of the lightning bolt carved through the wooden shield like butter. However, as the bolt struck down on Odin's arm, the bolt did not pass. It stopped dead like a sword on concrete, and Odin and Zeus frowned for different reasons. Zeus pushed harder and harder to no effect, and in the next moment Odin thrust his head into Zeus.


Dan: Godly headbutt?

Lacie: Hey, it works. Not like we have data on Odin.

Dan: That, Minnesota girl, is because you're lazy.


The King of the Gods recoiled from the Allfather's blow, and stumbled back. Odin rushed forward, a blur to men, throwing a perfect punch directly into the Thunder God's gut. Zeus recoiled - these punches were strong. Ares couldn't match this strength in a million eternities of training. Odin swept his legs, and as Zeus fell to the ground, Odin threw an elbow into the God's head. The force from the blow sent Zeus flying into the earth, not unlike a certain Saiyan.

The earth crumbled and bowed before Zeus's descent, and nothing moved for a few moments. Odin knew the deal. Putting two fingers to his mouth, he called for his horse - and she came, all eight legs, arriving from Hell through the Earth. In the side of the horse lay Gungnir, the spear.

Odin detached the spear, and ordered Sleipneir a good distance away. He knew what would happen. It wasn't good.

For a few minutes, nothing happened. Odin's heart slowed to normal levels, and he got off the horse. Using the tip of his spear, he wrote runes, words of power. As he wrote, the power in his body grew, his strength multiplied.

After a few more minutes, Zeus emerged. His bones were broken in multiple places. His body was painted gold in his own ichor. Wounds did not close, for they were too much to handle. The God of the Law raised his hand, and spoke shakily. "Y-you, are in violation of the law of the laws of nature. You have disrespected honor and integrity and you have tried to break the natural order. You use magic, ergi scum, and you deserve punishment.

I am fair. Should you repent, I imprison you.

If not, I will kill you."

Odin did not speak. His raised spear, perfect for throwing without movement, talked for him.

Zeus's expression changed to that of a vengeful god. His blue eyes sparkled with electricity, and his form flowed up by the power of the winds. The skies grew clouds in seconds, and the clouds darkened to black. Zeus struck his arms to his sides, and roared in truly godlike fashion. Powerful winds erupted from his mouth, the ground quaked, and Odin put a knee to the ground to stabilize.

Zeus's kind blue eyes showed nothing more than vengenace now. The Lord of Justice, Son of Cronus, Zeus rose into the sky, and..


In one moment, Zeus's body quivered and he gained massive size. His head shot into the heavens to touch the stars, his body taller than a mountain. The white beard quivered with blue lightning. Any normal man would bow in reverence.

Odin did not.

The Aesir Allfather blinked, twice, and sighed.

"I see before me a
Power, a titan unlike men;
But all I see is waste,
Energy in need of knowledge."

"Jar är Odin, far till gudarna och guden av krig! Jag ska se till att kampen är vunnen!"

Odin moved to the right and got on his horse. Sleipneir's eyes glowed with an unearthly heavenly glow as it flew through the air towards Zeus, dodging an off-direction bolt and aiming for the God's holy nose. A second later, the tip of Gungnir pierced the nose of the god, a quick melee strike -

Zeus was not pleased.

Recoiling, the mountain-sized god focused lightning into his hands, and held them forth. Zeus proclaimed "DIE!", and a truly massive bolt of lightning the size of a energy cannon shot at the Norse god. Immediately there was an issue.

Odin was thrown off Sleipneir in an instant, and the energy overcame him. Odin's one eye was nearly blinded. The norse God lay suspended of sorts, for he was shot back over the horizon.

The voltage of the electricity turned the plants a thousand feet down dark black, and then they burst into flame. The horse was trapped in the heat, her heavenly heritage was desperately battling the heat to no avail. After a few seconds, Sleipneir braced for the inevitable blow. Sleipneir, caught in the intense billion-amp bolt, struggled for a second - and then exploded.

The bolt subsided. Odin was nowhere in sight, the black sky roaring thunder and lightning continued, and the Thunder God relished in victory in thought.

Suddenly, Zeus's vision blurred. Spots appeared. Incredibly nausea erupted in his stomach, and as horrifying it was for a person below if one was there - and not turned to dust by the bolt - it was a funny scene. Zeus gripped his stomach in pain and puked.

How nice.

A good few miles away, Odin closed his eyes and let magic flow through him. His wounds were plenty, yes, but his power overrode his wounds. White, holy energy flowed through his body, and his wounds closed and stopped sending pain. Odin rose, and picked up a stick. Carving into the wall, runes were placed. Within seconds, he knew what would happen. It was an instant move, disease. Dishonorable, but he had no concern for that.

Another set of runes placed, and the distracted god's control was vested. The black sky stopped, seemed to quiver... and scattered, the clouds fading into white, and faded into the sky again. Not even the weather was safe from Odin.

Finally, Odin stood up and accepted it. His eye was closed. This battle wasn't over - but it was, soon. Opening the eye and showing the world (A tree nearby) golden, glowing irises, Odin's size grew.

And grew.

And grew.

With one leap, the Allfather Odin viewed the sight of the Thunder God vomiting his guts out. Without a move on his part, Odin readied the spear - the size of a needle - and prepared to throw it at the King of the Gods. One moment later, the perfect spear launched through the air, war inherent.

Zeus breathed, shakily, and awakened his inner instinct. Zeus summoned up all of his willpower, and crafted his bolt in his hand again. Zeus threw the bolt at the javelin, and the two collided in mid-air!

Gungnir shattered into splinters, and the bolt continued on its way unimpeded.

Odin, appropriately, took his hand and slapped the bolt out of the air.

Zeus' body quivered, and he was brought to his knees. A coughing fit, fluid in the lungs, paralyzed the God. Illness on a level never seen by Olympus traveled through the Zeus's body, a product of Odin's magic. There was virtue in patience and wisdom, it seemed.

Odin walked over, something resembling mercy in his mind, and kneeled to the crippled god. Odin placed two fingers on Zeus's forehead, and let magic do the working.

Inside Zeus's mind, ichor flowed with hurry to try to heal wounds and send messages inside Zeus's brain. Suddenly, there was a major problem. The walls billowed, and expanded. Swelling in the brain. Within another second, the bulge popped.

Zeus's eyes glassed over, and fell to the ground. Odin removed his fingers, and turned back to normal size. The Master of Ecstasy looked to the fallen god, the ruins of Thermopylae, and the utter devastation.

A proper funeral was in order.


--- --- ---

Lacie: OH COME ON!

Zeus and Odin are powerful beings, gods in their own right, but they cannot be even. Both are mortal in a sense, with Odin dying at Ragnarok and Zeus fearing his own death, not to mention his ancestors Ouranus and Cronus basically dying.

Lacie: Yeah, I think you made that pretty clear.

Dan: Not only is Odin far wiser, he has runes or just tools to stop all of Zeus' offense. His runes can redirect the weather, dull weapons -

Lacie: Including Zeus' forged thunderbolt. Boom.

Dan: And, survive extremely high temperatures. Granted, the text says to survive fire and lightning is a lot hotter than that - but once again, Odin can calm the weather and dull a weapon. Zeus cannot just spawn an electric storm.

Lacie: Which is literally what just happened. In the battle that you logged.

Dan: Shut up.

Lacie: Whatever.

Dan: Zeus, on the other hand, has no defense against the perfect spear Gungnir, which will not only always hit - it always kills.

Lacie: Buut Daaaaan, idiot, Zeus busted a city and fought a being the size of a mountain!

Dan: Alright. This is the interesting part - this came up in the research, but one cannot claim that Zeus overpowers Odin - Odin did, after all, slay Ymir with his bare hands. And craft nine worlds from his body. Hence, Ymir's size drastically is over Typhon's. Hence, Odin could beat Zeus to a bloody pulp if he felt like it.


Dan: So, Zeus could not simply overpower Odin that way. Finally, transfiguration is useless against a shapeshifter - not only can Odin regenerate back from any living thing, it's highly probable Odin can stop being forcibly altered. Even if he's transformed into a mountain, his soul can be detached from his body to perform Seitr. Logically, he can simply possess another being or something and transform back.

Lacie: In the end, Odin snagged an O-win.

Dan: The winner is Odin, the Alfather.

+Larger destructive capacity
+Lightning is a proper ranged weapon
+More varied offensive
+Battle against Typhon proves his combat ability over Odin's loss to Fenrir
-No defense against Gungnir
-More prone to arrogance

+Victory against Ymir proves superior combat size, strength, and skill
+Far wiser and more stable in battle
+Can reduce transfiguration via natural Aesir shapeshifting
+Aegis' fear-driving properties don't work well on a man who impaled himself for nine days
+As Zeus' lightning is a physical weapon, can dull it just as effectively as any other
+As runes come directly from the World Tree Yggdrasil, can lessen the effects of the weather
Good god I've been listening to Sabaton for motivation for the past 2 hours

I cannot hear

Not long enough you say? Not good as RWBY, you say?

Not as good of a fight, I agree, I've gotten worse. This is not the best, this also isn't the best fight idea

Works on paper, doesn't work in reality.

Also: Fair warning, there's an extremely high chance I'll say "balls to Aeon vs. V, it's not that entertaining/new/interesting" and delay it. In which case look for the angel.

I am not looking forward to writing Aeon vs. V

Remember: The fight does not nessacerily reflect the exact way the fight goes. The RWBY Battle Royale was the most likely course of action; it's entirely possible Ruby just speedblitzes everyone, the fight would probably just go like that. So, that's how the fight went. Do not assume everything that the fight shows happens in the analysis. That is false.

Lacie and Dan belong to me.
Odin and Zeus are public domain.
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Oh and only one thing - Zeus could also take the powers of gods by simply punching them with his fist ( He does that 2 times to Apollo and 1 time to Hephaestus). The author really knows a lot about the Norse but he has a lack of knowledge of greek myths. Firstly, Cronos and Uranos didnt die - thats a bullshit, Uranos has retreated from the sky, preparing for his revenge and Cronos had just lost his throne and was punished to suffer in Tartasus (although he later becomes King of Elysium after Zeus forgives him). Also Zeus has never had fears about his death, but just for loosing his throne. Moreover, while Odin is Fated to die, Zeus many times overpowered the Fate himself ( read Prometheus and the Fire and Iliad ). And finally, Zeus cannot be harmed by the lightning from Odin's Spear and also it isn't true that Odin is wiser - not to mention how stupid he was to not kill Fenrir while still was a puppy eventhought he knowed that the wolf will kill him + Zeus is practically The father of wisdom and he is also known to be god of wisdom. Also about that Odin killed Ymir with bare hands (bullshit) Zeus killed many of the Giants (Who were unvulnerable to weapons belonging to any gods) even Porfyrion with what... His bare fucking hands. And this time finally Odin doesnt have the power to reflect the MotherBolt ( in many myths he didnt even have the power to reflect human weapons such as arrows and etc.) So ladies and gentlemen here is the truth : The Greek Pantheon( and probably the Roman one) are THE SUPREME PANTHEONS OF ALL TIME AND NONE OF THE OTHERS (NORSE, EGYPTIANS AND HINDU AND SO ON) CAN FUCKING DEFEAT THEM, RATHER KILL THEM) Sorry for making you cry but marvel movies arent the best source of information.