
Heracles vs. Sun Wukong | SHOWDOWN!

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Dan: We've analyzed the stories, taken the facts into account, and we can safely say it is time to begin. The Divine Protector of Mankind, vs. the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

Lacie: Let the Clash of Warriors begin!


Tell me, O Muse, of the great hero Hercules. Many a beast was felled by his hand, and many miles were traveled by him for the duties laid unto him by Eurystheus; and lo, many indeed were the stories he told to Olympus when he ascended. The sea-blue sky shown bright onto the great soldier's skill in battle that day, for he had not fallen by the hands of men and sword. And moreover, O Muse, did Hercules cleanse the Earth and did ascend into Olympus with the gods. Tell me, too, about all these things, oh daughter of Jove, from whatsoever source you may know them.

The great Sky-God Jupiter, once upon a day that seemed as bright to a sunflower as dark it seemed as some men's souls, did turn to the hero Hercules and lo, within his mind he saw the fall of the people and he spoke to the hero, "Go forth, Hercules, and do commit the crime of war that so plagues men; but do it such that no enemy shall return to family." Hercules looked to Zeus and spoke "Father, King of kings, so bloody shall the fields be the rain shall be red for ten years; and the crops grown there shall be red, and none shall learn of the battle except from I."

After the God of Heroes departed Olympus on his journey, Zeus turned to face the newer speaker. Before him was a fair maiden, but of seven and ten years who held more power in her hand than a thousand thunderbolts. Zeus' form changed to that of a man the maiden's size, and as he enveloped the aqua-haired woman in his eyes, she spoke.

"Good job, Zeus. Perhaps a bit too biblical, but not too bad. Maybe, just maybe, if you keep this up, your loss will be fine. Good boy. Go strike some fucker down or whatever."

And before the Sky-God's eyes, the maiden vanished in a mysterious puff of smoke. Jupiter did not know of the woman's origins, nor the meaning of her words; but afterwards, Zeus Kosmetas still shivered at the sheer power delivered by the maiden. He had a feeling he would soon know of his 'loss', and moreso what she wanted.


Upon a lotus-filled mountain a thousand paces tall therein lay a city of monkeys, happy and joyful as all time. They laughed and danced and played every day, just like any human with their monkey king. On this blue-skied day the monkeys were happy when they came upon their king who was sad.

The monkeys asked their king "What depresses your heart, my king?" and yet, they received no answer. They asked again, and still the Monkey King said nothing. Finally, on their third attempt, the Monkey King furiously opened his door and said "What is it so important that you must interrupt me, meditating? There is a man outside, who pledges war from a letter he sent three days ago. His name is Hercules, and he seeks war." The monkeys were quite perturbed at this change of events, and soon responded "Oh, but King, you were not angered by the Jade Emperor challenging you, so why now?"

And at this, the Monkey King sat down with hands to his face. He said "There was another. I looked upon it with my fiery-eyes golden-gaze, and yet saw no lie. It said that shall I lose, or refuse, the mountain and all the monkeys will be destroyed and brought to hell, and tortured for seventy two hundred years."

Now at this, the monkeys cried back, and some started to weep. Knowing of their own possible demise, one started to shout "Go, go, king! Go and defeat those who would challenge us!" and at this, the King sighed.

"No, I cannot. The message was not sent from Earth, from Heaven, or from Hell. It was from somewhere beyond, even beyond where I know. Only a Buddha could hope to know where."

More monkeys started to weep, and the monkey who spoke up shut up and did not speak further.

After this, though, the Monkey King stood up and shouted "But fear not! My name is Sun Wukong. I can fight the soldiers of Heaven and no foe can equal my magic! I shall take this foe on!". The monkeys were joyed, and eagerly the yjoined the Monkey King on his journey outside. When he left the mountain and arrived outside, he saw a man clad in nothing but the cloak of a large cat.

Wukong bid back his monkey friends, and said 'You there! Are you the challenger that awaits I?" Hercules, suddenly aware of the Monkey King, turned quickly and laughed. He said "Ah, little monkey, go back and play with your bananas! You've no place to fight with me."

Sun Wukong's face turned a shade of crimson as his blood started to boil. Wukong reached inside of his ear, and brought out the Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng and swung it around. The gun extended to twice Wukong's length and the thickness of a rice bowl. Wukong angrily said "You insolent demon, how blind you are! You may think I’m small, but I can grow easily enough. You may think I’m weak, but I could pull the moon down from the sky with my two hands. Don’t worry, old Sun Wukong will sock you one!"

At this, the Greek hero before Wukong laughed and said "And I am Hercules, Son of Zeus! I'll take you down with one hand just as easily! Come now, to battle!"

As Hercules took out his bow, notched an arrow with Hydra poison, he saw Wukong start to swing the Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng around.

He did not know that this fight may be his last, nor did he care.


Pwing! Pwing! Pwing!

From the bow of the great hero came a volley of arrows moving at such great speeds that the monkeys still observing could hardly see them fly by! At them the Monkey King simply laughed. He began to twirl the Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng around, forming a fan in front of his face. He watched closely as the arrows simply bounced off of the hardened steel.

Sun Wukong leaped forward with staff in hand, and ignored the ordinary arrows that pelted his body and merely flew off, scattering into the dirt. When the Monkey Awakened to Emptiness was near, though, he saw a terrible sight; the mortal Hercules' arrow was alight and covered with flame. That he did not fear; but the smoke singed his mind as it does his eyes and he quickly cast a quick spell.

The clever monkey's body turned but two inches tall; and the arrow sailed over him. The hero Heracles did not see the change and could not see the tiny monkey, so when the staff collided with the great hero's chest, he instantly flew back and landed sore. The monkey landed back on his feet and grew back large, eight feet tall.

When the Greek stood up, he set down his bow and picked up a shield lying by. He said "Come, now! Hit as hard as you can, I dare you! You can't hurt me." Sun Wukong snorted and leaped, and as a small cloud lifted him and dropped him at the speed of thought onto the Greek hero, a passerby may have noted it seemed hopeless.

But the hero, clad in sword and shield, did not submit. When Wukong fell and thrust his staff at the God's shield, it did not budge an inch! Wukong leapt and jumped again, but even his great strength could not dent the shield! Heracles said "Come down, monkey! We ought to have a true fight!" and leaped into the air; catching the monkey in his spare hand, the man once dubbed Alceides fell to the Earth without harm. The hero picked out a small, well-balanced, bronze blade and held it in his hand.

The Monkey King did not engage in true honourable combat, however; he thrust out his hand and cast a spell instead. As his body faded to invisibility, he grabbed a thousand hairs from his plentiful body, chewed them up, and spat them out. The desired result was had, and a thousand monkey-clones were created! Each perfect as Wukong in their form, and they stood in perfect formation, awaiting command. Wukong laughed and said to the hero "We ought to have a true fight, indeed! Fight me a thousand times! I'll beat you down!"

As the monkey turned invisible, the others flew;

The challenge had been sent, the war had begun.

The God of Heroes watched and prepared.

The Divine Protector of Man against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven;

Who's strength was really superior?

Heracles' blade drew fine and clean at the first monkey, who arrogantly flew forth and expected to kill. The warm bronze sliced through the immortal's body and the two fine slices of monkey-flesh slid onto the ground behind the Divine Protector. The rest of the monkeys did not fear anything, and still continued onward. The man named Hercules waited for a second, for the precise number to find their way around him; then, when in range-BOOM!

The forty two monkeys closest to the hero's shield erupted into the sky, twinkling as the stars when the mightiest mortal threw back his shield. Another clone drew forth, wielding a staff, and the Greek merely captured the monkey by the skull, and thrust him into the dirt. As the Greek looked up and onward, seeing the endless tide of the clones, he stamped the Earth.

A ripple formed throughout the dirt, and the Earth itselt bent to the mighty will of Heracles equal to the gods. The monkeys stumbled back, some fell on their behinds, and in a flash the Earth started to shake and split. A massive shaped crack in the Earth became true and the monkeys beheld the Earth, the dirt, and all of the ground beneath them, as the thousand monkey clones fell into the Earth!

Before Heracles was a massive fissure a mile wide, and a hundred long. In the core of the Earth, there were monkeys now. Heracles wiped beads of sweat off of his brow, and suddenly jumped back in fighting spirit - the Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng swiped by the bronze man's head!

Hercules dove backwards, and landed keenly on his feet as he observed the short monkey before him. Heracles thought, he is likely one with honor, as he led the other monkeys earlier. He should accept my challenge to duel. The Greek put his sword in his sheath, and let aside his shield, the sign of a challenge. The Monkey King before him nodded and spoke to his staff. It became small, and Sun Wukong put his hands in a stance of claws, in front of his body.

The two fighters circled each other, trying to glean an advantage from the other's style. In the way of a champion fighter, neither seemed to move.

There was a blur.

The great Monkey King, in combat with a hero;

His hands strike like thunder, keeping the enemy away.

The hero throws his body in, for a hold;

His feet move like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

The hero recoils, his face broken;

Monkey stepped back victorious.

Heracles painfully stroked his broken jaw, coming from Monkey's kick. When he finally snapped the demigod bone back into place, he saw the Monkey attempting to leap into the air, and flying under his own power about sixty feet. The great hero shouted at the monkey to no avail, for he did not come down.

Suddenly, clouds gathered around Monkey and it seemed with a glare, the winds began to howl and shriek and blow back Heracles. The demigod stamped a foot into the ground and cast a hard glance at the monkey still standing in the sky.

Heracles resisted the winds, and from his pouches came a bow and an arrow. But the arrow the demigod pulled for was no ordinary; it was that which had been covered in the particular venom of a hydra, and killed the centaur. When Heracles shot the arrow forth, it seemed to the monkeys watching their king may have been in danger.

When the mighty arrow flew at Wukong's body, the poison rejected Wukong. The arrowhead shattered upon hitting the immortal body of the king! Wukong laughed at the advance, and willed the clouds to shift and bend to his will. At speed like light, the Monkey dashed off. Racing through the clouds and across the landscape, Monkey knew he had allies and places to go. He needed time to rest.

And then, suddenly, Monkey was aware of a stranger on his cloud. Hanging onto a wisp of the cloud was the hero Heracles! Monkey stared in disbelief before extending the Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng and slamming it into the fingers of the hero, but still the hero determined - and he did not move from his position. Though the hero's muscles grew weak and ached, he did not let go, even after forty bashes of the staff! Wukong scowled in annoyance, before the hero Heracles gripped the Monkey's leg, and both fell to the Earth!


The Great Wall

Any onlooker would have immediately noticed. A cone of fire erupted around the giant demigod of a man falling from the sky, carrying a small monkey in his hand. As the hero and king flew themselves into the Earth, their speed gradually increased and the pressure on Wukong's back increased. Heracles' bear-hug was deadly. Wukong knew that now, as his head was seemingly exposed to the mountain coming ever so closer-


The tip of the mountain shuddered, thought for a moment, and crushed into itself. As the shockwave rippled throughout the Great Wall's structure, the ground caved in on itself as the ground seemed to have no idea what to do with itself but  turn in and die.

The hero and monkey, however, had no such troubles.

The great Monkey King rolled his head around, making a short and sweet cracking sound. The Monkey Awakened to Emptiness looked no worse for wear, and though his Fèng chì zǐjīn guān was gone, the immortal monkey's body looked without injury. The attitude of the monkey had shifted, however - the traditional happiness of the awakened monkey was not present. Instead, what looked upon Heracles but the angry eyes, demon's eyes?

Evidently, the gods looked favorably on Heracles, for he had survived. But, he was not in good shape - his sword lay shattered on the ground, his chest was caked in blood from a gash running from his left shoulder to right hip. His left eye looked bloodshot, nearly blind, while he held no weapon.

There was a blur.

The God of Heroes and Monkey King met in a fist's clash;

Both were staggered by the strength.

Within the crater, the two traded blows

The mud-brown dirt flew a thousand miles from the force

Baptised in fire, living in war, the two heroes were;

Olympus' finest, battling for glory;

The finest warrior in China, battling for his peace.

Both were mixes of Heaven and Earth.

The heroes' fists traded a thousand blows a second;

Dodging, parrying, and weaving through;

The two boxed, never taking a punch.

The mountain lay in dust;

The heroes had boxed three hundred rounds.

The country around them lay in ruin;

The skies darkened;

The fields had been salted with war.

Suddenly, the boxer hooked in and grabbed the monkey;

His punches flew like lightning, hitting like a brick;







Wukong flew four hundred feet in an instant, before falling onto the ground. Sun Wukong's body ached, it felt broken in half. When the monkey finally rose, there was the Greek hero above him. There was soon a boot in the monkey's back. With a cry of pain, the monkey collapsed on the ground.

The Greek hero sneered, and began to walk away. His footsteps were the only thing marring the barren land of gentle dirt that the shockwaves had made for miles around. Suddenly, Heracles heard a noise behind him.

The Greek turned around and he saw the Monkey King standing. He remarked "How do you stand, still, after that beating? You haven't suffered a single wound!" The Monkey King stared at Heracles, and remarked, "I took a pill."

"A pill?", Heracles responded.

"Yes, indeed. A pill that gave me magical powers.", Sun Wukong finished, and handed Heracles a small rod.

Without a second doubt, Heracles consumed the pill Wukong had given him.

Wukong smirked. He said "I am Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. I can pull the moon down with my bare hands. I can leap 36,000 miles. My magic is unmatched. How does your stomatch feel?"

Suddenly unnerved, Heracles responded "We-"

The Rúyì Jīn Gū Bàng inside the hero expanded. Suddenly, where there was once a demigod, there was a shower; crimson-soaked dirt compassed the remnants, the shattered remnants of the organs and bones of the demigod.

Wukong smirked, and looked to the Heavens. Clouds formed around his body, once he leaped into the air, and instantly the Monkey King traveled 36,000 miles in a second. When the Monkey King finally landed on his home mountain, he landed amongst the monkeys who were overjoyed at his return. He said, simply, "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven returns! Let us feast!"



Lacie: Hercules, Hercules - Ambulance, Ambulance!

Dan: Heracles is the greatest Greek hero, hands-down, but he is bound in mortality. Sun Wukong's magic, agility, and ultimate inability to die surpassed Heracles' ability to keep up.

Lacie: Remember how Heracles' greatest feat of destructive potential is busting a mountain -

Dan: And lifting the cosmos?

Lacie: Destructive Potential, asshole. He can't bust the cosmos. He can lift it, sure. Heracles is a mountain buster, who can also shape long stretches of land. Sun beat a guy who busted a mountain in-canon. He also, y'know, punched out 28 constellations. Making him multi-star level.

Dan: While Heracles has a massive arsenal, very little of it would work against Wukong and his immortal body. Heracles is strong, Wukong survived being crushed by a mountain for 500 years.

Lacie: Heracles also has few notable feats of durability. So, when he was hit by a 13,500 pound staff? Not pleasent.

Dan: The Nemean Lion Pelt is not immune to blunt damage. Given that the majority of Wukong's arsenal consists of a staff..

Lacie: True that. Wukong also is immensely better at magic, given, you know, invisibility, shapeshifting, freezing of people, clones, flight, whereas Hercules has.. strength. Woop-de-doo.

Dan: Finally, Heracles had far inferior experience compared to Wukong - who has been practicing martial arts for several hundred years. He was 342 at his first death, and it's generally thought he was 850 by the time he rebelled against Heaven. He practiced martial arts every day.

Lacie: Ultimately, Hercules was just-

Dan: Actually, if you wouldn't mind for once.. I guess the fight just made Heracles ancient history.

Lacie: ..Oh! That makes them mythology!

Dan: ..No.

Lacie: The winner is Sun Wukong!

+Physically stronger, in terms of lifting power
+More versatile arsenal
+Superior ranged ability
-No method of countering Wukong's magic
-Far slower and less durable
-No way of efficiently killing Wukong

+Ruyi Jungu Bang is superior to any of Heracles/Hercules' weapons
+Superior durability
+Superior training
+Physically larger thanks to transformations
+Far more agile
+Magic is incredibly versatile and adaptable


The ultimate loser of the circuit finally takes on his greatest challenger, the one he may possibly beat.

The Hellspawn stood in the stone circle, with a blade in his hand drenched in fire.

Opposing him?

No White Ranger.

No Mutant Turtle.

No Cryokinetic Ninja.

No Black Swordsman.

Before the man dubbed 'Scorpion' was..

An insect.

The Hellspawn laughed at his meager foe, his voice booming.

He did not know that this would be, perhaps, one of the closest encounters to death he ever faced.



Dan: What? That's not the right fight! We have-

Lacie: No shut up it's fine. We got some robot guy to help us.

Dan: You must stick to schedule! We were supposed to do-


Dan: It is an honor to work with you.
Greek Mythology vs. Journey to the West! The two greatest mythological heroes face off in a duel to the death! Can the strength of Hercules, the man who lifted the sky, pull off a win against the magic and staff of Sun Wukong, who led a rebellion against Heaven?

Ass hurts.

I love you guys.

Next fight coming whenever the hell I feel like it! January 22th? Maybe? I need a show. And a team.

Both fighters are public domain.
© 2015 - 2024 PsyInsti
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Fatefulbrawl's avatar
Hey you seem to know a lot about mythology could you help me make a brawl later? By the way this fight was awesome! Also check out my art:…